pancakes for dinner

So parts of this week were rough. We've only been in Washington for a little over a year, and I think some aspects of the Pacific Northwest take about that long to get used to. For one, I'm now on spider patrol every time I open our bathroom door, and I can't actually shower or anything until I've done a full sweep. It's also summertime, and having originally come from Arizona, this phenomenon they call "humidity" is terrifying. We have been getting little sleep, because our apartment doesn't have air conditioning and it's really easy to wake up in the middle of the night from getting way too hot, even with two fans. By Tuesday, I'd about had it, because I wake up at 5:00 for work and I was exhausted. (One of the worst feelings as an adult is going to bed at a ~responsible hour and still not being able to sleep!)

For some reason, that translated to my attitude on Tuesday being "I will murder someone if I don't have pancakes for dinner tonight."

After work, Marcus had me take a short nap and offered to take me to Denny's when I woke up. I felt bad about it, because it didn't make a ton of sense why I'd be having that craving to begin with, but we went anyway and I ordered my multigrain blueberry pancakes that I love so dearly. Marcus ordered two desserts so I wasn't eating by myself, which really didn't seem to sit right with our waitress...

Like, really, she glared at him and said "I hope you know I had to bake this myself." We were perplexed (rightfully so, I think?)

So I had breakfast for dinner, Marcus had dessert, and despite being awkwardly judged by our server, we had a nice time and it was a good pick-me-up during a week when I was feeling pretty beat.


nesting dolls

Is this dress not the best?

I have a thing with nesting dolls - my grandmother was fond of them and had a pretty impressive collection. She used to joke that she, my mom and I were like the little dolls, all tinier versions of each other! I've started collecting them as well, though more in the form of clothing (even PJ's!)

When I saw that Tatyana was coming out with this dress, I was so jazzed. I used to love to visit the store in downtown Seattle, but sadly, they closed earlier last year. I relied on the fit advice of the very helpful manager at the Las Vegas store, and she helped me place an order via phone the week it came out.

And then I wore it for my special photo shoot, because it was gorgeous out and I was taking every chance I could get to not wear eight layers of clothing.

Seriously, though. Look at those cute little dolls.

dress - tatyana
hair scarf - hey viv!
shoes - b.a.i.t

jitterbuggin and photo shoots

A friend from work does photography in her spares time, and I always love looking at her work when she uploads pictures and brings them to the office. She was sweet enough to offer to meet up to do a shoot this weekend for fun. I've never done one before, but she's really great to be around and helped me feel less worried about it! We spent most of the morning and part of the afternoon exploring the park near my apartment and downtown, and I enjoyed getting to know her more! 

I knew I absolutely wanted to wear this outfit for pictures--I couldn't wait to show off my new blouse from Jitterbuggin! The first time I saw this top was actually on someone else's blog  (via Vixen Vintage). That post was from 2011, so when the store owner Kim generously let me in on a Memorial Day discount code, I figured it was probably about time to get my own! 

Aaaand now I want to buy several more, because it's incredibly comfortable and flattering. I don't normally wear a ton of white, but the creamy color with the pops of red and blue from the airplanes sold me. I wore it with a black circle skirt for this shoot, but it's versatile and will be easy to match all year long. 

If you haven't heard of Jitterbuggin, check out the shop! It's local to Portland (I want to visit when we go down soon!) and the styles are so unique--I put off buying this blouse for so long because I convinced myself I could find something comparable someplace else, and after a couple of years I literally couldn't. Plus, Kim was really nice and patient about my questions on fit and style. 

Also, photo shoots are actually really fun and I highly recommend doing one at least once. I started off really self-conscious and ended up riding kind of a weird high at the end from getting so into it. I also learned a lot from my friend about techniques to try by myself at home with my own camera!

And now, a few more pictures, because I'm still kind of excited. 

{blouse} - jitterbuggin
{skirt} - trashy diva
{shoes} - chelsea crew


I've been shamefully absent considering that I wanted to get better about writing more regularly--but I went to Ireland! My friend got married and asked me to be her maid of honor, and at first I didn't think I'd be able to make it happen...but I did! I can't wait to share more now that I'm finally all caught up, it was wonderful!

lucky stars

I guess I've been in an Emily and Fin mood lately!

I got this dress awhile ago through a swap--it was on Modcloth for a bit, but I missed it. A lot of times, things tend to pass me by because I like to hold out for sales. Luckily, a few years ago I discovered the joy of swap groups, and we've been together ever since!

There are a ton of groups on Facebook alone, depending on what you're looking for. I'm part of a few retro-repro centered groups, as well as one or two brand-specific ones (Trashy Diva and Wheels and Dollbaby come to mind--what's fun about those is they're sort of a cross between buy/sell groups and picture sharing, so you can scroll through and enjoy everyone's outfit even if you're not actively looking for anything!) It's a great way to meet people; there are actually a lot of girls I talk to at least weekly that I was introduced to via trading. If you're lucky, you might happen upon something you missed out on at a great price, too. It also helps cycle used clothes to new homes, which is nice, because instead of just tossing something you can send it off to someone who loves it and will take good care of it.

I actually ended up getting this through a swap with someone in Australia who didn't want to deal with the hassle of international returns. This was fortunate for me, because it just happened to be in my size and I figured I might as well go for it.

It was a good decision. Look at those little shooting stars!

The print is really simple, but I've had a lot of people at work come up and ask to take a closer look and smile when they see the comets. The color scheme is eye-catching, too;  I don't usually see navy blue and gold together.

dress - emily and fin
shoes - chelsea crew (i see this style all over the place; they go with everything!)
scarf - thrifted
belt - borrowed from another dress 


I got this dress in a swap recently after looking for it for awhile--I'd had it once in the wrong size and traded it, but by then a new one was nowhere to be found! Luckily, the original owner of this dress found something of mine she wanted and decided to go through with it. I was obviously very pleased.

The colors are so fun to play with! In person it's a forest-green, almost teal, which goes with a lot more than I'd thought it would. It also doesn't hurt that I live in a state notorious for its rainfall, so the pattern is especially fitting. A lot of my coworkers were laughing and saying I should've worn it yesterday, but sure enough it ended up drizzling on and off as soon as I left for the day. However, I was very lucky and caught the first bus home this time--no waiting in the rain for me!

...Well, I did get to walk home in it, but I actually don't mind that very much! 

dress - emily and fin 
shoes - chelsea crew 
belt - stolen off one of my other dresses 

a ride through town

I work in a city that's only supposed to be maybe 15 minutes away, but one of the aspects of living here I'm still not quite used to is the traffic. The stoplights are set up to essentially turn red as soon as another turns green, and it's all very stop-and-go. This leads to a lot of waiting in line, as you can imagine--we've tried doing it in downtown Seattle on weekends, and it can indeed be much worse than this, but I also didn't find that very pleasant!

Marcus is nice enough to come and get me on his way home from work most days, and I enjoy the time to talk with him on the drive. Still, I don't really want him to feel like I depend on him for a ride, so I thought it was about time I explored my options in public transportation. My first try was a disaster, and I ended up walking way further than I needed to and missing the bus I was supposed to catch the rest of the way home. I was also paying with cash vs. an Orca card because I hadn't received it yet--for the record, that makes it way more expensive! Orca card is the way to go, which is why mine is now attached to the other side of my work badge for next time.

Today, one of the older men who'd seen me last time asked me if I was adjusting to it better and told me not to feel too bad--he said the first time he tried riding the bus home from work, he didn't realize they don't have paper transfers and ran out of money! I told him I felt silly, because I'd taken the bus around Flagstaff a lot and used the subway and trams fairly often when I was traveling in Europe, and so (I thought) was at least somewhat familiar with what I was supposed to be doing. He just laughed and said the only way to figure it out when you're trying new routes is to get lost. He was also nice enough to call one of the employees at Kent Station to see when my other bus was coming. They tried to get the driver to wait for me, which I thought was very nice, but unfortunately we got caught in traffic and he had to leave right before our bus arrived. I ended up having to wait about another half hour for the next one, which would have been fine had it not been very cold! I had a nice time chatting with the people nearby, though, and the driver was friendly. Someday, I hope I can be as helpful to someone trying to learn their way around. I find that a lot of people get impatient with you when you're new at something like that, which is...different, because I imagine almost everyone's had a first time and worried about getting off at the wrong stop or being short on fare or something. I was lucky to find nice people today!

I made it home around 4:25, which is a little later than I usually would if I took this route every day--I guess this bus usually doesn't run that late. Basically, if we get caught in traffic, it looks like the only choice is to wait the half hour. Otherwise, I'd get home closer to 4:00. I'll just have to bring something to read!

There was my first successful commute home--and now for a brief word on the outfit! Poorly planned as it was for today's weather, I was still very happy with it.

This was one of those prints I couldn't decide if I liked. I'd see it in some pictures and think, "oh, how beautiful!" and other times I'd wonder if it was a little too busy. Eventually I ordered it, because sometimes the only real way to tell is in person. I had it all packed up to send back, and then I changed my mind. I can't say why, exactly, because I don't typically enjoy a lot of white, but it grows on me the more I look at it. One of my coworkers said it reminded her of Alice in Wonderland. I was thinking the colors reminded me of circus flags!

Slowly, I think I'm getting used to the longer skirts, too. My first instinct when I got my first Jenny skirt was to hem it because I felt overwhelmed by it, but I don't really think that's the case anymore. 

Anyway, that's it for me--I've got a yogurt and some granola with my name on it! 

birthdays and fairy tales

Yesterday was my birthday!

As of sometime last evening, I'm 23, but maybe that doesn't feel like such a huge deal because the person working at the ceramics store near my work asked hesitantly if I was over eighteen when I requested an application for Marcus.

Also, I realized about a hour and a half into my workday that I had two different colored shoes on. To be fair, one was black and one was navy blue, so you could maybe see how at five in the morning I overlooked it when I was getting dressed?

Shoes aside, I had a birthday outfit actually planned (because, as previously established, I am not still a child on the inside despite my newly acquired status as someone in their mid-early-20's) that I was excited to show off. My job has a pretty strict dress code, but it mostly involves not wearing jeans and having your skirts be a certain length, so for the most part I'm in the clear. I do have to leave the burlesque-printed skirts and lower-cut tops at home, but summer is coming and soon they will see the light of day during my off time.

Anyway, here's what I was wearing--with matching shoes this time, of course!

A brief bit about the outfit in question before I get to the birthday fun--

For a really long time, I'd seen rave reviews about these "Dita cardigans" and wondered what the fuss was all about. For Boxing Day, I managed to find a site that had a few colors on sale, and I decided to go for it. While I agree with the general consensus that I probably wouldn't pay full price for just one (they run about $200, I believe? More if you're trying to find one that's been discontinued, in which case God help you because that gets intense), I love mine and I'm really glad I got them.

Then there's the skirt, which I personally can't get enough of. The detailing and the color combinations are just so eye-catching to me, and I have a fondness for anything related to fairy tales. Pinup Girl Clothing is my favorite lately for unique skirts, and they've turned me on to separates vs. dresses (I used to be much more in favor of dresses, as they do technically constitute a whole outfit and you don't have to worry about matching a top or something if you really don't want to).

Marcus took me out to dinner at Naked Pizza, where my dinner was free (funnily enough, not because it was my birthday, We go there so often I'd racked up enough points for a free small pizza!) We then went up the hill for frozen yogurt, and because I have a platinum Yogurtland card--try not to be too impressed with me for that accomplishment--it turned out I got up to 16 oz free as well. That was more than enough to cover some generous servings of their new flavors for both of us! I went with pineapple sorbet, because it tasted like a Dole Whip, and Marcus tried the cinnamon coconut. After that, we just walked around the mall for a bit to try to find a bridesmaid dress for me for an upcoming wedding. I had zero luck, by the way. Purple must be out this season, because they had literally every other color available.

However, we did find a preowned copy of The Wolf Among Us! We'd tried the demo a few weeks ago and loved it, and I'd been talking about wanting to get the full version soon to find out what happened next. If you're into RPG's (particularly the choose-your-own-adventure variety), you should give it a try. This is one of my new favorites! It's basically a bunch of traditional fairy-tale characters thrown into a modern-ish fictional part of New York, and you play the sheriff (a humanized Big Bad Wolf) who is trying to solve a series of murders. The last game I enjoyed this much was Catherine, which had a similar feel to it.

Marcus was also nice enough to surprise me with a copy of Pioneer Girl, which I'd been coveting since before I even knew it was written. I'd actually been looking for a hard copy recently, but they're incredibly hard to find. My local store got one in and I actually had it on reserve and forgot about it (to be fair, my mom had come into town that day as a surprise and that sort of took priority!) Marcus was paying attention and called in as soon as they took off hold for me and went in to get it. For any Laura Ingalls Wilder fans, it's a giant book that includes some of her original writing with extensive research and footnotes by Pamela Smith Hill. I grew up loving the Little House series, and as an adult I enjoy some of the later books even more than I used to. While I'm incredibly fond of the feel-good style of writing she uses in that series, I'd always been curious about her life and wished she would write something that included some of the more detailed, accurate depictions of her experiences. I'm only a few pages in and fighting the urge to skip around to my favorite parts from the books, but I can tell it's going to be a fascinating read.

Altogether, not bad for 23!



This is my space for focusing on the things that have become important to me--style, baking and anything interesting that occurs during the day. I'm excited for this new beginning; it coincides with a few other big changes happening in my life and I felt like it was time.

Thanks for coming by!